Things to Consider Before Buying Commercial Coffee Machines

by Editorial Team | May 1st, 2021 | Cooking Basics

In recent times, you do not have to run a café or restaurant before you are expected to serve quality coffee to your clients. The growing need to make a client more at home when conducting business has tripled the popularity of commercial coffee machines.

So, if your business needs one of these important pieces of equipment, read this article. We will discuss the things you need to consider before you purchase this much-needed equipment.

6 Things to Consider Before You Buy a Commercial Coffee Machine

1.How Many People Do You Expect To Serve

This is most likely the most important thing to put into consideration because you do not want a machine that would not meet your daily needs.

The most common commercial coffee machines often have what is known as a “Group”. Each group contains all the tools required to make a cup of beverage. 2-group equipment can make two cups simultaneously, while a 3-group equipment can make three cups.

So, if you need equipment that can produce about 100 to 150 cups in a day, you can go with a 2 group compact one. A 3 group machine will also suffice for a daily supply of 250 to 350 cups of beverage.

2.Do you want a Consistent Taste?

If a consistent beverage taste is important to you then you will need equipment that has automated and programmable features.

There are commercial coffee makers that have an automated tamping feature that ensures optimal extraction, programmable water temperature, shot length, and milk foaming.

3.Would You Have Expert Barista Handling the Coffee Machine

The type of equipment you buy is also dependent on if you will have an expert barista manning the equipment or not.

You can buy a traditional machine if you will have an expert operating it. Traditional coffee makers have their perks; one of which is excellent taste. Therefore, if the taste of your beverage is important to your business, then you need to consider the need for a barista and a traditional machine.

But, if you will not have a barista, then you need to go for equipment that isn’t too complex. The best option, in this case, is a bean to cup equipment.

Do you need a detailed guide on how to use a commercial coffee machine? Then, click to learn.

4.What is Your Budget?

Ensure to shop within your budget and only the consider equipment that fits your budget while meeting your needs. Remember that the quality, duration, or workability is not based on how expensive the equipment is.

5.Would You Prefer Plastic or Metal Components?

Whether you prefer a coffee machine with plastic or metal components is another thing to consider. This is because what the machine is made of affects its durability and cost.

A coffee maker with plastic components may be cheaper at the initial purchase but it is more susceptible to damages, making you spend more on repairs or replacements.

While a coffee machine with metal components is sturdier and would give you value for your money before it eventually needs repair or replacement. However, they are more expensive than machines with plastic components. And this may be a problem, especially if you are on a budget.

But, regardless of what type you decide on, you have to ensure your beverage maker is cleaned regularly to avoid health hazards. Do you need a guide on how to do this? Then, read this article.

6.Would You Like Service Support from Your Machine Manufacturer?

The last thing to consider is if you want a brand that offers service support even after installation.

If you are particular about the kind of support you would receive from your manufacturer, then you should study their policies before purchase. If their services are not in line with your preference, then you need to look for a manufacturer whose services do.


The importance of having a coffee machine for your business cannot be overemphasized. However, if you are not armed with enough information on what to consider before you buy this important equipment, you may make the wrong choice.

We hope the tips discussed above aids you in buying the right equipment just for you.

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