
NH Magazine Author Nominated for Award

by Michele Pesula Kuegler | April 4th, 2008 | Tasty Thoughts

When one thinks of cooking magazine subscriptions, one tends to think of widely distributed magazines, such as Bon Appetit or Gourmet. However, a magazine that is run on a smaller scale can boast that it has authors that are just as renowned.

Taste of the Seacoast, a New Hampshire-based magazine, has had one of its contributing authors nominated for an international award. Kathy Gunst is one of three finalists for the Magazine Category of the 2008 Burt Greene Award, which is presented annually by the International Association of Culinary Professionals. To learn more about her nomination, you can visit the Taste’s Website. You also can read her award-nominated article about Portland, Maine, chef Rob Evans, at that Website.

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